Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning Problem Statement

Multi-Task Learning: Learn to solve a set of tasks.

Meta-Learning: Given i.i.d. task distribution, learn a new task efficiently, learn to learn tasks.

Some terminology:

Sequential learning settings: online learning, lifelong learning, continual learning, incremental learning, streaming data.

Distinct from sequence data and sequential decision-making.

What do you want from your lifelong learning algorithm?

Minimal regret (that grows slowly with t).

Regret: cumulative loss of learner - cumulative loss of best learner in hindsight

$$ Regret_T := \sum_{1}^{T}L_t(\theta_t) - \min_{\theta}\sum_{1}^{T}L_t(\theta_{best}) $$

Cannot be evaluated in practice, useful for analysis.

Regret that grows linearly in $t$ is trivial.

Basics Approaches to Lifelong Learning

Store all the data you’ve seen sof far, and train on it. -> Follow the leader algorithm

  • Will achieve very strong performance
  • Computation intensive -> Continuous fine-tuning can help
  • Can be memory intensive -> Depends on the application

Take a gradient step on the data point you observe. -> Stochastic gradient descent

  • Computationally cheap
  • Requires 0 memory
  • Subject to negative backward transfer - “forgetting”, sometimes referred to as catastrophic forgetting
  • Slow learning

Using Meta-Learning to Accelerate Online Learning

See more from Deep online learning via meta-learning: Continual adaptation for model-based RL

Using Modified Vanilla SGD to Avoid Negative Backward Transfer

See more from Gradient Episodic Memory for Continual Learning

Online Learning Formulation

The online meta-learning setting

The follow the leader(FTL) algorithm:

  • Store all the data you’ve seen so far, and train on it
  • Deploy model on current task

The Follow the meta-leader(FTML) algorithm:

  • Store all the data you’ve seen so far, and meta-train on it
  • Run the update procedure on the current task


  • Many flavors of lifelong learning, all under the same name
  • Defining the problem statement is often the hardest part

Meta-learning can be viewed as a slice of the lifelong learning problem.

This is a very open area of research.

Note: Cover Picture