40 posts
- 2020.2
- Technical Management: Management Planning
- Technical Management: Role Identity
- Technical Management: Self-listening
- Design Patterns: Design Principles
- Design Patterns: Object Oriented
- Design Patterns: Introduction
- 2020.1
- Tensorflow 2.0 Building a Dataset and Data Preprocessing
- Tensorflow 2.0 Common Modules
- Tensorflow 2.0 Transfer Learning
- Tensorflow 2.0 Generative Adversarial Networks
- Tensorflow 2.0 Auto-Encoders
- Tensorflow 2.0 Recurrent Neural Network
- Tensorflow 2.0 Convolutional Neural Network
- Tensorflow 2.0 Optimization and Regularization
- Tensorflow 2.0 Keras
- Tensorflow 2.0 Deep Neural Network
- 2019.12
- Tensorflow 2.0 Basic Operation
- Actor-Critic Algorithms
- Policy Gradients Based Reinforcement Learning
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
- Supervised Learning of Behaviors
- Introduction and Course Overview
- Frontiers and Open Challenges
- Lifelong Learning
- Model-Based RL for Multi-Task and Meta RL
- Exploration in Meta Reinforcement Learning
- Multi-Task, Goal Conditioned Reinforcement Learning
- 2019.11
- Bayesian Meta-Learning
- Non-Parametric Few Shot Learning
- Optimization-based Meta-Learning
- An Introduction to the Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning
- 2019.8
- Coursera Kaggle Course: Exploratory Data Analysis
- Coursera Kaggle Course: Basics
- Note for Full Stack Deep Learning Bootcamp
- 2019.6
- Neural Networks using Tensorflow
- Image Classification using Tensorflow
- Machine Learning Engineering
- Logistic Regression using Tensorflow
- Linear Regression using Tensorflow
- Machine Learning: Concepts